
Given a sequence is defined by the explicit definition t_n= n^2+nt n = n 2 + n, find the 4th term of the sequence. (i.e. t_4t 4) A. 4B. 8C. 20D. 1806

Accepted Solution

Answer:Question 1:  20Question 2: 27Step-by-step explanation:Question 1:  Given a sequence is defined by the explicit definition [tex]t_{n} = n^{2} + n[/tex] Therefore, the 4th term i.e. [tex]t_{4} = 4^{2} + 4 = 20[/tex] (Answer) So, the third option is correct. Question 2:  Given a sequence is defined by the explicit definition [tex]t_{n} = 2^{n} - n[/tex] Therefore, the 5th term i.e. [tex]t_{5} = 2^{5} - 5 = 27[/tex] (Answer) So, the third option is correct.